Video in teaching
Unlock the potential of videos to support student learning and engagement.

Video is a powerful and versatile tool that can significantly enhance your teaching practices.
Videos provide a dynamic and visually engaging way to convey complex concepts. They can include animations, simulations, and graphics that help students better understand abstract or difficult-to-visualize topics. This visual and interactive approach can make learning more engaging, leading to increased learning outcome.
You can, for example: use videos in your teaching practice:
- To deliver course content, freeing up precious face-to-face time for interactive discussions and hands-on exercises in a flipped classroom model.
- To enhance student learning by recording the video in a real-world context relevant to the topic you teach.
- To increase student agency by allowing students to learn at their own pace. They can pause, rewind, and rewatch videos as needed to grasp challenging concepts.
- To address students’ common misconceptions thereby saving you the time to explain the same things repeatedly.
- To make course content more personal and relevant for your course’s specific learning objectives.
- To provide more personal feedback to students’ assignments.
You can also use the video format to convey more practical information such as a guided tour to students on how you have organized your course in DTU Learn or to increase teacher’s social presence in a course using a video announcement in DTU Learn instead of a written announcement.
On this site you will find videos created by teachers at DTU that may inspire your own creation of educational videos as well as four videos covering best practices when creating short educational videos.
If you would like to set up a 1:1 appointment to discuss a didactical design for a video, please contact Morten Høyer.
Morten Høyer Blended Learning Developer
Click here if you have technical questions on how to use DTU’s video platform Panopto.
DTU Video Use Cases
Watch how associate professor Michael Mast has used the video format to create a course introduction on DTU Learn which is far more engaging than a traditional written course introduction.
Watch how senior researcher Junita Diana Karlsen has used the video format to give students a great introduction to the course teachers.
This page is under construction; video will be uploaded as soon as possible, in the mean time watch the video on Panopto.
Use of real-world context to support a deeper understanding.
Watch how associate professor Michael Mast uses a real-world context to support a deeper understanding of how the heating system works in a building.
Watch how senior scientist Mike Courtney has brought 3 types of anemometers with him into the studio to better demonstrate how wind is measured. Mike also uses highlighting to guide the attention of the viewer, and he only show one new bullit at the time on the slide to avoid cognitive load.
Watch how senior researcher Junita Diana Karlsen uses a real-world context introduce students to an upcoming assignment.
This page is under construction; video will be uploaded as soon as possible, in the mean time watch the video on Panopto.