Practical Information
- The full UDTU-programme is 25.500 Dkr.
- You must be approved by your Pedagogical Coordinator before you can register.
- The programme must be completed within a two year timeframe.
UDTU is your University teacher training programme at DTU. The overall objective of UDTU is that you acquire knowledge, methods, and tools that enable you to teach with proficiency at university level with a focus on how to educate engineers. UDTU also provides you with tools to continually develop your teaching practice and to enhance your understanding of student learning and its prerequisites.
It is necessary that the following elements are in place when you start the course:
Completion of Teaching Lab (introductory course)
Assistant Professors must complete UDTU in order to be course responsible, as well as to qualify for a position as an Associate Professor.
Exemptions may be given to staff who live up to all of the below:
You can spend up to two years to complete UDTU, but if you plan ahead it is possible to complete the programme within one year.
During the first semester you will be (re)designing a DTU course whilst attending a range of facilitated sessions, both shorter, longer and residential. When you sign up it is essential to check the dates to make sure that you are free to attend all planned sessions, as it is not possible to skip or swap around the facilitated sessions along the way.
During the second or third semester you will be producing a Teaching Portfolio and testing your Capstone Project, i.e. running the course you (re)designed during the first semester. You will be collecting and evaluating data on your course as you teach it and ultimately present your findings at a Poster Presentation.
After completion of the UDTU programme, you are able to:
The programme is assessed on the basis of two primary elements:
UDTU starts twice a year. The programme takes a full year to complete.
Please note: It is very important that you participate fully in all
parts of the programme. Otherwise your completion will be delayed.
Fully booked - Enroll for waiting list.
"(S)He who works, learns. Period."
The overall teaching philosophy of Learning Lab at DTU penetrates the entirety of how we have planned and will engage with you throughout your teacher training programme here at DTU.
On this introductory day, we will go through the roadmap for the entire UDTU-programme; Which activities have we planned, and which products will you design and produce during your UDTU-programme?
Furthermore, we will set up the didactic contract; what can you expect from us as teachers and facilitators - and what do we expect from you as participants?
We will have time for questions, clarifications, and inspiring discussions.
After completion of "Teaching Methods and Didactical Design", you are able to:
This course is two and a half day, and will take place in Lyngby Campus.
Present your ongoing (re)design of DTU course to fellow UDTU participants and Educational Developers in Learning Lab.
Your UDTU Teaching Portfolio will
Teaching Portfolio defence:
The Teaching Portfolio defence is a conversation regarding the strengths and areas for improvement in your submitted portfolios. The conversation will take place in clusters of 4-5 participants and will be between you and your peers, facilitated by LearningLab and/or a pedagogical supervisor.
The programme:
Please notice that you will receive an email from Learning Lab after the defence informing you if you have passed, passed with corrections or failed.
Future dates for portfolio defence:
Sign up for portfolio defence here
Important Information:
You must submit your portfolio for evaluation and feedback two weeks in advance of the actual defence.
Please submit to DTU Learning Lab @
We will distribute the submitted portfolios one week in advance of the defence so you have time to read and prepare feedback for the other participants in your cluster. At this time you will also receive the location and final programme for the defence.
After completion of the UDTU Capstone Project you are able to:
You will test, collect data on and evaluate your (re)designed course in the semester following your last facilitated session (Assessment and Feedback).
Poster Event
The poster event concludes the UDTU teaching and learning programme at DTU. Whilst only UDTU participants will present their Capstone Projects, we cordially invite all who are interested to attend the event. There are many reasons for attending, here are just a few:
UDTU participants come from departments from all over DTU, and there will very likely be examples from and
inspiration for teaching and learning within your own disciplinary field.The pedagogical discussions at the poster events gives you a chance to discuss your own experiences and teaching and learning issues with colleagues from different departments.
Please make sure to register correctly in terms of whether you participate as audience or as a presenter:
Spring 2025 - 30 January, 2025, 1-3pm (at Campus Lyngby)
Autumn 2025 - 10 September, 2025, 1-3pm (at Campus Lyngby)
At the Poster Event, you will be assigned a station from where to present your poster. Each participant has ten minutes to present their poster, followed by ten minutes for questions – depending on the number of participants we will run 2-3 rounds of presentations. At the end of the presentations the audience will pick “best poster”.