The TA course
This course provides a general introduction to teaching, learning and supervision for Teaching Assistants at DTU, whether you will be working with group exercises, individual exercises, project assignments, lab exercises etc.
The course is mandatory for Teaching Assistants (TA's) who participate in supervision of students working with group exercises, individual exercises, project assignments, lab exercises etc. in DTU courses.
PLEASE NOTE: This course is for B.Eng., B.Sc., and M.Sc. students who are prospective TA's. The course is not intended for PhD students or Post docs.
PhD students and Post docs should take this course instead: Supervision and facilitation of learning
Aim and Learning Objectives
The overall aim of the course is to increase the participants’ abilities to support the students’ learning process during their work with exercises, assignments and projects.
After actively participating in the course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the role of the TA in relation to students’ learning and identity-building
- Explain the concepts of learning and learning processes
- Give constructive and concrete feedback to scaffold student’s learning
- Choose and apply appropriate strategies to handle challenges that can occur in the work of a TA
Practical Information
The course consists of two separate days:
- The first day is the Introduction day, which is an entire day from 9-14. The Introduction day consists of both presentations, activities and discussions. The Introduction day takes place near the beginning of the new semester (towards the end of January or August). It can be either online (via Zoom or MS Teams) or face-to-face on Lyngby Campus.
- The second day of the course is the Follow-up meeting. This is a short meeting of two hours, which focuses on real-life experiences of the TAs. This meeting takes place approximately two and half months after the Introduction Day (in the beginning of April/November). It can be either online (via Zoom or MS Teams) or face-to-face on Lyngby Campus.
Please note, that the course is taught in English!
Diplomas for Completion and Salary
Every TA who completes the course will receive a diploma. Completion of the course includes active participation in both the Introduction day and the Follow-up meeting.
Each participant will receive five hours of salary for participation in the Introduction Day. After participating in the Follow-up Meeting, and receiving a diploma for completion of the course, participants are eligible for two further hours of salary.
Course responsible
Any questions regarding the course can be directed to:
Anna Augusta Fornø, e-mail:
Dates & registration
See below
Educational developer
Anna Augusta Fornø
DTU Learning Lab
Spring 2025
Introduction days:
- 24 January, 2025 from 9am-2pm (Lyngby campus)
- 30 January, 2025 from 9am-2pm (Online)
- 5 February, 2025 from 9am-2pm (Lyngby campus)
Follow Up meetings:
- 22 April, 2025 from 2-4pm (Online)
- 25 April, 2025 from 1-3pm (Lyngby Campus)