Supervision and facilitation of learning

Welcome to Supervision and facilitation of learning. Do you have questions about this course? Please read everything on this page before contacting us.

The content of the course

This course addresses the challenges of the role of the supervisor and of the TA:

  • Project (co)supervisor for Bachelor's projects and Master's theses
  • Teaching assistant (TA) in courses - we see this role as a form of supervision too

The following topics (and more) will be addressed:

  • Rules, learning objectives & responsibilities
  • Clarifying roles, expectations and boundaries
  • Dealing with students’ use of LLMs (e.g. ChatGPT)
  • Facilitating students’ learning, thinking and independence
  • Students’ contribution to research projects – pros, cons, and challenges
  • Collaboration between the PhD-student and their own supervisor or course responsible
  • Communication and awareness of diversity, inclusion, and culture

Who is this course for?

From Jan 1st, 2024, this course is mandatory for all PhD-students at DTU.


The following PhD-students do not have to complete this course:

  • PhD-students who have already completed Teaching Lab before Jan 1st, 2024
  • PhD-students who were previously exempt from taking the Teaching Lab course when it first became mandatory for all PhD-students
  • PhD-students who by Jan 1st, 2024, are in the last year of their PhD can be exempt from taking the course. It is up to their supervisor, department and/or PhD school to make this decision. By Jan 1st, 2025 – or, when the last of them have finished their PhD - this rule will expire

If these PhD-students still want to take this course, they can.


The course is 1 ECTS = 28 hours, including preparation.


Preparation for the course is necessary.
Registered participants will receive information about what to prepare 2-3 weeks before the course.
We recommend that you block two whole days in your calendar for preparation.

When to take this course

To get the most value from this course, it's important that you take it at the right time - which is either when you start being a TA - or maybe even a couple of weeks after starting the role. For the (co-)supervisor role we recommend that you take the course shortly before you start supervising.
Please note: Many will be TAs for some time before they start supervising. However, some will never be TAs, and others will never supervise. Hence, it's up to you and your supervisor to decide on the right time for you to take this course, depending on your priorities and prior experience.

We don't recommend is taking this course as early as possible in you PhD journey just to get it over with. The value of the course for you will be greatly reduced if you are not about to take on any of these roles within a month or so - basically, it will be a waste of time and money.

If you have some prior experience facilitating student-centered and active learning (if in doubt, please contact me at, we still recommend you wait until around the time you need it for your role - but you can take it earlier.

Be aware of the waiting list: This course usually fills up quickly, but you can register for the waiting list. Please let us know if you need to take the course at a specific time, because you have TA'ing - and in particular supervision - coming up soon. If we can, we will give your special priority.

How to pass the course & attendance

In order to pass this course and receive the 1 ECTS, you must attend the full course and participate in all activities. We take participation very seriously, because it's vital to learning. This is why we insist on full attendance. 

Hence, there is no actual exam. If you participate in everything and upload your "Manifesto" by the end of the course (we will explain what that is), you will pass the course.

We recommend you let block your calendar upon registration, and refer to this page if anybody tries to book you for other things during the course. In other words:

Make sure to cancel all other activities demanding your presence during the time of the course. 

If this is not possible, you must cancel your participation in the course and re-register for a later date. In order to avoid paying the cancellation fee you must cancel no later than 14 days before the course.


Course fee
The course fee is 2.200 Dkr.
All participant must pay for the course. PhD-students are not exempt from this rule.

Before you register: have relevant information ready
When you register, you must enter project number, task number, approver and student ID. You can obtain those from the relevant administrator, or perhaps your Head of Section. Departments are not all organised in the same way, so we can't tell you who has this knowledge. You may have to ask around.
You can find out how to get your student ID on Inside.

Industrial PhDs
If you're an industrial PhD-student - and your company handles your budget - we can send an invoice. Please send CVR/EAN number as well as name and e-mail of the relevant recipient to our course coordinator Rikke Byrsting Jacobsen,

Cancellation + cancellation fee

If you have to cancel your participation in the course, you must let us know earlier than 14 days in advance - otherwise you must pay the full fee.
If you wish to cancel, please contact course coordinator, Rikke Byrsting Jakobsen,

This course is not in the course base

- but it does have a course number: 88550.
Please register for the course via the links at the bottom of this page.


Kirsten From

Kirsten From Educational Developer

Please read everything on this page thoroughly before contacting me - most of the information you need is here.

Best, Kirsten

PhD students, please note:

  • You cannot register for this course through the course base. Please register below.
  • The course number is 88550


Dates in 2024:

  • Feb 22nd - 23rd: Completed
  • May 21st - 22nd - Completed
  • September 3rd - 4th - Fully booked
    - click on the link below to register for the waiting list, and read the information on the right side of the screen.
  • December 10th - 11th*

*The December dates have been changed from Dec 9th + 10th to Dec 10th + 11th!


Dates in 2025:

  • Feb 26th - 27th: Registration is open - click the link below to register
  • April 2nd - 3rd: Registration is open - click the link below to register

Save the date:

  • Sep 10th - 11th: Registration opens Jan, 2025
  • Nov 26th - 27th: Registration opens Jan, 2025


Dates in 2026:

Save the date:

  • Feb 25th - 26th: Registration opens Aug, 2025
  • April 22nd - 23rd: Registration opens Aug, 2025
  • Sep 9th - 10th: Registration opens Jan, 2026
  • Nov 25th - 26th: Registration opens Jan, 2026


Click here to register


Have you registered for the waiting list?

See your chances of getting a place in the column to the right.

On the waiting list?

What are your chances of getting a place in the course?
We do get cancellations, hence  there is a chance, but we don't know the probability.
You can register for the next courses/waiting lists also to maximise your chances of getting a place soon.

First come, first served
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. An available place will be offered to the first person on the list. If that person declines it will be offered to the next person on the list, etc.

Can you skip the line?
Generally, no.
if you have to start supervising with very short notice we might be able to make an exception.
Please only contact us if this is the case.