Supervision of large projects

Supervision of large projects

This workshop is focused on supervision of bachelor's projects and master's theses (and similar) - not PhD projects.

Format of the workshop

  • Short talks about roles, responsibilities, boundaries, learning objectives, and rules, among other things
  • Discussions with peers
  • Reflection on your personal perspective and experiences with supervision - as well as how you might change or adjust your practice

Learning objectives

  • Explain student-centered learning
  • Explain the role and responsibilities of the supervisor
  • Apply rules and learning objectives of large projects in your supervision practice
  • Facilitate students' learning through active listening and asking questions in order to help students think
  • Set boundaries and clarify expectations
  • Discuss dilemmas and challenges of supervision
  • Create a personal mini 'manifesto' for your supervision practice

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is mandatory for all academic staff who supervise Bachelor's projects and/or Master's theses and have not completed the UDTU programme.

Place and time

Deadline for registration

Please register by 12:00 PM (Noon), Tuesday October 1st.

Min. number of participants: 10


Free for DTU staff


Kirsten From

Kirsten From Educational Developer